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Helen Xiao
Newsletter Cover Artist
Hi, I’m Helen Xiao, and I’m a sophomore at Troy High School! As the newsletter cover artist, I draw the coloring pages for the cover of the newsletter. This involves brainstorming and making rough drafts, then drawing a final coloring page to be used for the cover.

Helen Xiao: TeamMember
During these hard times, I’ve been doing more and more volunteering, and like to use things that I enjoy doing to help those in need. This includes doing activities such as making cards and notes for healthcare workers and others, and baking muffins and cookies for the Baldwin Center soup kitchen. In school, I am part of Project Lead, and I am also the treasurer for the club She’s The First, where we hold informational meetings and fundraisers, mostly bake sales, to advocate for girls around the world to be able to choose their own future. Overall, it is really cool to be able to help others using the things I love to do.
Outside of club activities, I like to draw and paint and have loved art for as long as I can remember. Music is also a big part of my life. While I’m not part of any band or orchestra, I do partake in singing in my free time, and I’ve spent a lot of late elementary school and early middle school practicing songs for the school choir. Listening to music is a big help in keeping me motivated!
I also like to bake and eat, and I stay active through delivering baked goods to my friend’s houses by bike, as well as swimming on the synchronized swimming team at Troy High.
Helen Xiao: Text
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